Projects & Consultancy

  1. Principal Investigator - Study of Spatio-temporal Geomorphic and Land use Dynamics of the Cauvery Delta for Landscape and Environmental Management, Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Grant No. CRG/2020/001373, Rs. 34,28,120, Feb 2021 – Jan 2024 (Co-PI: Prof. M. Ramkumar, Periyar University, Salem)
  2. Co-Investigator - Climatic variability and its impact on vector-borne diseases – A GIS modelling of different climate zones of India, Indian Council of Medical Research, DHR Grant No. R.11013/11/2021-GIA/HR, Rs.22,06,000, Oct 2021- Oct 2023 (PI: Dr Praveen B.N., CUTN)
  3. Project Director of ICSSR funded project on Measuring vulnerability to coastal hazards in Tamil Nadu: Implications for policy formulation towards a resilient coastal society, 2020-2021, Rs.4,00,000
  4. Co-Investigator of DST funded Network Project-NISA on Mitigating and Managing Urban Heat islands through Social Forestry using Hyper and Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing, 2018-2020, Rs.32,960,000 (PI: Prof. Sulochana Shekhar, CUTN)
  5. Research Collaboration with Dr. Komali Kantamaneni, Senior Research Fellow, University of Central Lancashire (UK), for GIS-related work in the international research project entitled "Evaluation of coastal vulnerability of Anoi Itam, Sabang Island to climate change and marine plastic waste: An integrated approach" funded by the British Council
  6. Scientific Consultancy to develop model farming system, Mothers Estate, Cuddalore, 2022-
  7. Scientific Consultancy to conduct Geoarchaeological survey in the Vaigai Basin (Keeladi), 2018-2020
  8. Scientific Consultancy to Preparation of District Disaster Management Plan 2017 for Karur District
  9. Scientific Consultancy to Exploration of Archeological Remnants through GPR survey, SrirangamTemple Site, Tiruchirappalli, 29-31 December, 2016
  10. Deputy Coordinator, UGC-SAP DRS-II Programme on Geoinformatics in Natural Resources Management, Department of Geography, Bharathidasan University, 2016-2017, Rs.128,00,000